STACK SHIM — COMBO # 1 — 224 pcs. mod. BF-40C123
224 pieces – color Black
96 pcs. 3 5/8” x 1 7/8” x 1/16”
96 pcs. 4 1/8” x 1 7/8” x 1/16”
32 pcs. 5 1/8” x 1 7/8” x 1/16”
Made in USA, from high-quality plastic.
Heavy Duty Shim LEVELING (Stronger than wood)
Adjustable thickness and length with easy snap.
Adjustable Heights, Lengths.
To use in Door, windows, architectural components or anything else that need to be help in a square position, installation tab make insertion easy-
Easy to use, ideal for industries, home garden to workshop. No split to warp.
16 shims are heat sealed into 1″ stacks
together, easy to separate. Excellent compressive strength.
Our wide variety of color-coded shims and solid thicknesses are easily applied for easy alignment every time.
Time and Labor Savings.
We also manufacture other measures: